Online Community
Your Path Forward
to Addiction Independence
SoberPath provides a secure, private online community focused exclusively on the path of independence from alcohol and drug addiction
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I'm looking for help for myself
Help for someone I care about
Access or join a support group
I want to provide help
I want my business to help
Alternatives to legal consequences
I'm looking for help for myself
Help for someone I care about
Access or join a support group
I want to provide help
I want my business to help
Alternatives to legal consequences
O U R     C O M M U N I T Y

SoberPath provides a free and premium-service online community dedicated to helping those struggling with drug and alcohol addiction. Our array of individual, group, counselor, clinical, and other resources are available 24/7 on the SoberPath secure, private, HIPPA-compliant network.

IndividualsLEARN MORE

Anyone seeking relief from their personal battles with alcohol or drug dependencies, including those seeking help on their own, through prompting from family, friends, or work, or compelled by the legal system.

Friends, family, personal sponsors, as well as organized support organizations, including Alcohol Anonymous, Narcotics Anonymous, Veterans organizations, and more.

CounselorsLEARN MORE

Experts in the field of alcohol and drug addiction seeking to expand their practices and increase referrals through online community and enhanced telehealth resources.


Organizations with alcohol and drug addiction specialties seeking to expand their business through advanced telehealth and targeted online community resources, including custom private-label branding.


SoberPath's vibrant, secure, and HIPPA-compliant community provides ample opportunity and encouragement for bi-directional referrals between individuals, practitioners, clinical partners, and support organizations.


Providing alternatives to individuals caught up in the legal system as a result of their alcohol or drug dependencies. For individuals, attorneys seeking help for their clients, and courts looking to increase their diversion success rates.

SoberPath for Individuals

Whether you are here to break free of addiction's grip, keep that grip at bay, join one of SoberPath's online groups, or you just want to help someone you care about, SoberPath's free individual account is a great step forward on the path to addiction independence.

SoberPath for Individuals
Join Now For Free

  • Join for FREE
  • Create an anonymous member profile
  • Find and communicate with like-minded members
  • Learn about the options that best help you
  • Speak confidentially with addiction professionals
  • Access individual and group therapy sessions online
  • Invite family, friends, sponsors, and anyone else that can help into your private network
  • Create personal support groups from your family, friends, sponsors, and co-workers
  • Access your favorite support groups online, real-time, 24/7
  • Get referral recommendations from your trusted sources
  • Track your progress and share your journey
  • Gain help for yourself and provide help to others

Most things in the SoberPath community are free for individuals. Optional premium services like online face-to-face chats and telehealth therapy sessions may charge a fee. Check out our Premium Services for more information and to see if your insurance, HSA, or FSA covers them, or if you qualify for discounts or a grant.

"The SoberPath community helps you better understand what you need to get past addiction, and literally puts you on the path of addiction independence."

SoberPath for Groups

Addiction is personal. It affects more than just the addicted. You want to help because you care but it's never easy and roadblocks are always in the way. SoberPath removes barriers and makes it easier to get involved, stay involved, and see results. Whether your go-to group is AA, NA, Veterans groups, your family, or you and three buddies, SoberPath's online community can help.

  • Groups join for FREE
  • Invite individuals and other groups to join your group
  • Full membership management provided
  • Extend and enhance existing groups with advanced real-time resources
  • Public-facing web portal for non-group members
  • Private web portal exclusively for group members
  • Integrates with existing websites
  • Support for anonymous members
  • Supports parent-org/region/chapter group hierarchies
  • Secure group events, messaging, and notifications
  • Live individual and group chat
  • Publish curated materials for your group
  • Recommend resources and referrals
  • Share challenges and successes with your group
  • Track and monitor activity with real-time administrator dashboard
SoberPath for Groups
Join Now For Free

Premium services such as online face-to-face individual and group video chats and telehealth therapy sessions may charge a fee. Check out our Premium Services for additional information and to see if your group is eligible for discounts or grants.

"SoberPath's group features provide the secure, private resources necessary for family, friends, and organized help groups to assist those caught up in addiction."

SoberPath for Counselors

SoberPath provides a HIPPA-compliant online community dedicated to the treatment and support of alcohol and drug addiction. It is a place where individuals, groups, counselors, and clinical institutions come together to fight the ravages of addiction and leverage advanced technologies and communications for the better of the individual, their loved ones, and the community.

  • Counselors join for FREE
  • Simplify your practice and expand your patient and revenue base
  • 3-tier counseling experienced in addiction treatment:
    • Collaborative/sponsor (experienced but unlicensed)
    • Licensed practitioner/therapist
    • Medical licensed with prescription-writing capability
  • Public-facing portal to share with the community
  • SoberPath directory listing and search visibility
  • Private dashboard to manage your SoberPath practice
  • Patient management resources
  • Automated real-time matching, scheduling, and appointment management
  • Live Telehealth video/audio/chat sessions available
  • Individual and group sessions
  • Guest-host other group events
  • Payment portal, insurance, HSA, and FSA support
  • Premium subscription services available
SoberPath for Counselors
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"SoberPath for counselors provides advanced resources, communications tools, automation, and technology within a HIPPA-compliant community focused exclusively on alcohol and drug addiction."

SoberPath for Clinical Institutions

SoberPath's clinical resources make it easy to extend and enhance your medical practice onto the web and into the larger addiction community. It's private, secure, HIPPA-compliant environment offers a host of resources uniquely tailored to support your business and provide value-add to your patients.

  • Create a virtual implementation of your addiction practice on SoberPath
  • Private network for you, your partners, and your patients
  • Interact with the larger SoberPath community at your discretion
  • Public and private interactive portals
  • Real-time administrative console
  • Enhanced communications, automation, and technology resources
  • Telehealth solutions for individuals and groups
  • Real-time resource matching, calendaring, and appointment management
  • Optimize and expand resource utilization
  • Access to enhanced curated referrals network
SoberPath for Clinical Institutions
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"Expand and enhance your addiction practice with SoberPath's secure, private, HIPPA-compliant online resources and community."

SoberPath Referrals

At SoberPath, our primary focus is helping the drug and alcohol addiction community with advanced tools and resources. We bring together individuals, family, friends, co-workers, counselors, and clinical institutions to support this effort. Part of this involves trusted referrals associated with the learning, acceptance, and healing process, and SoberPath maximizes this through its enhanced curated referral network.

  • SoberPath's diverse community provides multiple opportunities for referrals
  • Individuals, groups, counselors, and clinical institutions can create their own preferred curated referral lists
  • Clinical referrals support partner matching within defined virtual networks
  • Referral successes can be rated and shared
  • In-bound referrals are automatically matched to best available
  • Out-bound referrals fully supported
SoberPath Referrals
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"SoberPath's curated network of referrals for individuals, counselors, and clinical institutions substantially enhances the success rate for addiction independence."

SoberPath for Diversion

Addiction is bad. It compromises judgment, and all too often is the catalyst for bad things. Sometimes jail-time is deserved, but incarceration should be the last resort. SoberPath's diversion program is designed to augment and enhance existing diversion programs and help the afflicted, those around them, and society in general.

  • For individuals willing to put in the work to lessen the legal implications of their addicted actions
  • For attorney's seeking to mitigate addiction-client's legal exposure through real support and assistance
  • For courts seeking to provide more and better diversion alternatives
  • Attendance, tracking, reporting, and auditing
  • Real-time monitoring dashboards for all diversion stakeholders
  • Support for online courses and e-learning
  • Course completion certification
SoberPath for Diversion
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